Diamond Nexus' Radiant Grace Eternity Band

Diamond Nexus’ Radiant Grace Eternity Band

Eternity rings have been handed out for nearly 4,000 years as tokens of eternal love and life. Some of these rings were originally designed like snakes eating their own tails, a common symbol of eternity in ancient times. However, these rings aren’t associated with marriage alone. These have also been used to represent the circle of life. For this reason, eternity rings have also been given to married couples welcoming their first child.

Eternity rings are a perfect way of marking milestones in your marriage. These are usually made from precious metals set with a continuous line of identically cut gemstones. The arrangement of the stones around the ring symbolizes everlasting love.  The ring itself is a celebration of the love that you have had and is also a commitment to continue that love in the future. 

The choice of the gemstone used to depend on the anniversary being celebrated but nowadays, this is no longer the case. Diamonds, which used to mark 60th anniversaries, have become the preferred gemstone. Fortunately, you no longer have to wait until your 60th wedding anniversary to give your partner a sparkling diamond eternity ring.

The Radiant Grace Eternity Band from Diamond Nexus lovingly hugs the finger. The ring is studded with Nexus Diamonds, laboratory-created diamond simulants that most closely imitate the look, weight and wear of a perfect diamond. These round brilliant cut stones are encased in semi-bezel setting, making the ring smooth and comfortable. Its shining band draws your eye’s attention through its oscillating lines.

The Radiant Grace Eternity Band can be customized in various ways. You can choose from three different 14k gold colors: white, yellow or rose.  The ring is also available in different sizes from 4 to 10. Its stone counts and carats will depend on your ring size. You also have the option of upgrading the band’s metal from 14k gold to 18k gold, palladium or platinum. You can also apply a personal touch to your band through engravings.

The Radiant Grace Eternity Band is available for as low as $1,595 depending on the size. The band can also be shipped free of charge as long as you are in the United States.