So you want to know is a diamond a rhombus? What are the diamond shape meanings? Or, maybe you just want to know more about the shape of diamonds.
Diamonds are possibly the most sought after gemstones in the world. They are recognized for their beauty, elegance, and are almost always an indicator of wealth. They range from very small solitaire diamonds to the largest diamonds. For this reason, people often refer to these stones as a symbol of eternal love.
The Diamond Shape

Diamonds have many great qualities but some people have issues with understanding exactly what makes them so popular. The diamond has a special shape and it has its own special properties. In this post, we will learn more about this beautiful shape, its origins, the meaning and mysteries of its shape, its many uses, and things people should know about diamonds.
History of the Diamond Shape
Diamonds have been around for thousands of years, and they have many different meanings. It has a long and rich history. It is believed that they were first mined in India around 2,500 BC and entered Europe during the Middle Ages. It has been used as an engagement ring since 1477 when Archduke Maximilian of Austria offered his bride, Mary of Burgundy, a diamond ring on their wedding day.
The first diamond discovered was the Koh-I-Noor diamond. It was found in India in 1352 and is currently on public display at the Tower of London’s Jewel House. The ancient Indians believed that diamonds were tears from the gods, and they would use them as tools for cutting glass. In fact, because of this belief, they would not allow anyone else to have diamonds because they wanted the only ones in existence!
The diamond shape is also called the Star of David because it was historically associated with Judaism and has been used as a Jewish religious symbol since 1777. The Star of David is often used as a Jewish symbol today because it is the emblem on the flag of Israel, and is worn by Jews as a traditional element in religious clothing.
It is also used prominently in modern civic heraldry in Israel, with many towns and cities adopting it for this reason. In the mid-19th century, during the time of the Dreyfus Affair, supporters of Dreyfus sought to use it as a Jewish symbol against anti-Dreyfusards.
The Diamond Shape’s Meaning
The diamond shape is said to be one of the most perfect shapes in the world. But what is shape of diamond? This shape has many different features created with its diamond shape geometry, which can be seen as a hexagon, rhombus, rectangle, or other polygon shapes.
Its shape has been used as the symbol of love since ancient times because it reflects the sun’s light so well. It has been considered a symbol of wealth, love, and eternity for centuries. The diamond shape is believed to be the strongest possible shape, which makes it a very popular choice for engagement rings.
The diamond shape has been used as a symbol of love and purity for thousands of years. Many people also believe that diamonds are associated with feelings of good fortune and success. Whatever the diamond shape meaning is, it symbolizes numerous things to many cultures and religions. The shape can represent the four corners of the earth, the four seasons, and the four phases of life. The shape is also used to represent the human figure.
Cultural and Religious Meanings
Various cultures, ancient and contemporary ones, consider the diamond shape differently. For instance, in Judaism and Christianity, the diamond is believed to be a symbol of sanctity. However, in Hinduism and Buddhism, it is associated with wealth and prosperity. In the Middle East, a diamond shape is regarded as an evil eye.
The diamond shape’s symbolisms can be traced back to ancient times. It has been found on pottery from Ancient Greece and it has been used as a Christian emblem for centuries. It is also very commonly found in architecture throughout the world. The diamond shape also stands for hope and happiness.
In China and Japan, diamond shapes are associated with royalty and nobility. For the Chinese, they’re considered to be lucky because they resemble a dragon’s eye.
In India, diamonds are thought to bring good luck and opulence. In Hinduism, diamonds were considered sacred to the goddess Lakshmi because they were believed to be her favorite gemstone. Among Arabs, diamonds are associated with the sun and a promise of love.
The Ancient Greeks believed that diamonds were tears from the gods. In ancient Egypt, the diamond was seen as a symbol of eternal love and chastity.
In present times, many cultures still consider diamonds valuable gems that should be worn only by those who are married or engaged.
How Many Sides Does a Diamond Have?

The diamond shape is what most consider to be the perfect diamond shape in cubic zirconia stones and any other diamonds with a heart shaped cut. But is it really perfect? What diamond shape is best?
Is diamond a hexagon? In terms of geometry, the diamond shape is defined as a quadrilateral with four equal sides, four equal angles, with the sum of the interior angles being 360 degrees. There are many different variations of the diamond shape polygon, but the most popular is a diamond cut with 58 facets that has been used for over 100 years. It can also be a regular octahedron, or a polyhedron with eight faces made from the same material.
It’s important to note, however, that there are two different types of diamond shapes: regular and rhombic. A regular diamond shape is one where all sides are equal in length, while a rhombic diamond shape has two sides that are longer than the other six.
A regular octahedron has eight equilateral triangles that meet at each vertex and a curved surface created by the meeting of these triangles. It can be the most symmetrical of all the shapes, which means that if you were to draw a line from one corner of the diamond to another, it would be perfectly straight.
Having four sides and eight corners, it is the only shape of its kind that has four identical, equilateral sides. This means that each side is exactly the same length as every other side and that there are eight corners where two sides meet at a right angle. Its geometrical composition also makes it one of the most basic geometric shapes.
Diamonds are one of the most popular gemstones in the market. The shape of a diamond is an important part of the beauty of a diamond and it can also increase the price of a diamond.
Some of its most common diamond shapes/cuts are:
- Round
- Pear
- Square
- Rectangle
- Brilliant or princess cut
- Emerald cut round
- Oval
- Pear
- Heart
- Emerald cut
- Marquise
The round cut is the most popular shape for diamonds because it enhances their brilliance and fire. This cut was first introduced by the Dutch diamond cutter Marcel Tolkowsky in 1919.
Thanks to gemological advancements, we are now able to create beautiful diamond shapes that were not available before. We can even grow diamonds in laboratories.
Today the main market for diamond jewelry is China and the Chinese are not fond of the round diamond due to its large surface area. They prefer smaller round diamonds that have a flat bottom and sides that curve upwards to meet at a single point at their top. The question here is do they make better quality diamonds out of this shape?
Things Shaped Like a Diamond

There are many things that are shaped like a diamond, but none of them are as beautiful or expensive. The most common shape that resembles the diamond cut is a square, which is why so many people think it looks the same, but it’s not quite the same.
There are plenty of other shapes that look similar to diamonds, including: Those that are shaped like a diamond. Here is a list of some of them:
- The Diamondback Rattlesnake
- A snowflake
- A baseball field
- Some types of geodes
- Cauliflower
- A screwdriver
- An ice cream cone
- An octagon
- An avocado
- A star
- A discus thrower
- An American football
Jewelry and Other Uses of a Diamond Shape

Since ancient times until today, the diamond shape has been used by man in a myriad of applications. Here are some of the most common ones:
- Jewelry – Diamonds are primarily used to create high-quality jewelry. They have a very high refractive index, which means that they can be cut into any shape, size or color without losing their clarity or brilliance. They are also used in jewelry, especially engagement rings and wedding bands. Diamonds have a high luster and brilliance that makes them stand out from other materials like cubic zirconia.
- Artificial Diamonds – These are diamonds that have been created by man, usually for industrial purposes. They are not as pure or as hard as natural diamonds but they do share many of their characteristics and can be used for many things besides jewelry.
- Carbon Filters – Diamonds are used in the production of carbon filters because they are very good at absorbing gasses and other impurities.
- Diamonds in Space – These are used to power spacecraft and satellites, as they are extremely durable and can last for many years without losing any of their properties.
- The Diamond-Core Drill Bit – This is a specialized drill bit that has diamond tips on both ends of its shaft. It allows miners and construction workers to create holes in solid rock very quickly while minimizing the risk of damage caused by friction between the drill bit and the surrounding material.
- Shaped Gemstones – The diamond shape is used in many different types of gemstones. These include rubies (as a garnet substitute), sapphires, and amethyst.
- Lighting – A diamond has a very high refractive index and can create a very bright light when placed between two mirrors. This is a common way to make spotlights and flashlights, but it also has other uses such as for lighthouses or even satellites.
- Mirrors – Diamonds have an extremely high refractive index, which means that they are great for making mirrors. They are used in many different types of scientific equipment, including telescopes, microscopes and laser technology.
- Medical Equipment – Diamonds can be used in medical equipment because of their strength and durability. The hardness of the gemstone makes it resistant to cracking or breaking when dropped or hit with other objects.
- Chemical Compounds – Again, because of their very high refractive index, they are used in many types of chemical compounds because they can help to separate out different substances. They may be used for separating oil from water or to create filters that let certain gasses through while blocking others.
Are Diamonds Forever?

The diamond shape has had a long history of representing fire and life dating back to the Homeric Era. The various meanings of the diamond are still used today in its most popular shapes. The diamond is a symbol of perfection and durability, and represents life itself. Before you start using the diamond shape in your own creations, be sure you know what it means.
The diamond shape is one of the most common shapes used in this world. Its simplicity adds to its effectiveness and elegance. Its sharp edges, strong personality, and symmetrical facade give it a powerful and commanding presence. Seen mostly in precious ornaments, valuable heirlooms, and industrial applications, the diamond shape will likely be among the most dominant shapes that will be used until the end of time.
Now that you know about the diamond shape, you may be interested in how this shape is made. Read our post, “A Cut Above The Rest: Guide to Diamond Cut Quality,” to know more.