Diamonds may be a girl’s best friends, and the rose quartz may be the stone to steer you onto love’s path. But your choice in gemstones does not always have to be the most common options. For those who want a unique stone that’s as lucky as it is lovely to look at, then put labradorite on your next to-buy list.
Put Luck On Your Side With A Labradorite Stone
Take the next step in expanding your jewelry collection by considering the mysterious dreamer’s stone. Before buying your own labradorite, here are a few things to keep in mind.
The Labradorite At A Glance
If you have ever seen labradorite, you would know why it’s deemed as the stone for dreamers. While other gemstones may boast intense brilliance or vivid colors, the labradorite features an otherworldly combination of blues, yellows, and grays, all trapped and mixed in the stone.
Blues and violets: Colors that mirror the night sky
The labradorite may not be a common choice as a center stone for fine jewelry. Hailing from the Feldspar family of minerals, the labradorite’s finish is far from a crystal’s sparkle and more along the lines of playful light illusion.
There’s a reason why it seems as if the labradorite can be one specific color at one glance and a slightly different tinge in another light. When light strikes the labradorite, it gets absorbed and diffracted onto the internal structures of the stone.
Instead of being fully reflected back to the viewer’s eyes, only certain colors get reflected back. This creates an optical illusion that’s exclusive to this stone, hence the term labradorescence.
Does a labradorite make for good jewelry?
Compared to other mineral stones, the labradorite sits at the 6.5 rating on the Mohs scale. This makes it relatively sturdy, especially for jewelry use. Of course, it would not hurt to be careful whenever you wear your labradorite jewelry, to avoid damaging its precious surface.
Most labradorites may be classified as either in the blue, violet-blue, or green-blue color spectrum. Similar to the moonstone, it can possess flashes of all of these colors.
In some cases, you can even see grays greens, blues, and violets, specked with gold in one labradorite stone, similar to the qualities of Lapis Lazuli. When paired with a raw and unprocessed look, they can defy the need for symmetry even in semi-fine jewelry. The interplay of colors creates a mysterious and mesmerizing combination for the labradorite, and it works to create an exotic yet delicate appearance for the stone.
A lot of adularescence: Why it’s the rarer moonstone
Apart from the dreamer’s stone, other collectors also call it by another name: the rainbow moonstone. Demand for the moonstone has increased in recent years, yet the variant with the biggest demand spike actually belongs to the labradorite family.

As feldspar minerals, both the moonstone and the labradorite possess the unique feature of adularescence. If you look at the smooth surface of either stone, you may notice a metallic blue seemingly reflecting off of it. Known as the schiller effect, this milky blue glow appears more apparent and noticeable on labradorites. What others may mistake for high-quality moonstones are actually labradorites. This adds to the reason why labradorites see a higher demand these days.
The next time you ask, “Is labradorite the same as Moonstone?” remember that they come from the same mineral family. Specifically, the labradorite belongs to the plagioclase feldspar while the moonstone contains more potassium as an orthoclase feldspar.
Origins: Where to find labradorite raw?
Feldspar is among the most abundant minerals that can be mined from the earth’s crust. Labradorite takes its name from the region it was first mined in 1770: Labrador, Canada. Since then, more collectors started looking for the stone for its various properties. Currently, demand for this stone has increased in Australia, the United States, China, and Slovakia, among others.
Jewelry collectors can opt to get raw labradorite, especially for those who aim to maximize the stone’s healing and spiritual properties. Most raw labradorites in the market remain unpolished, so you may find rough cuts and varying sizes of the stone.

The Worth Of Luck: How Labradorite Fares In The Market
Similar to other precious gemstones, the labradorite has certain features that are examined for a clearer value of a stone. Despite the abundance of its mineral family, some components of the labradorite need to meet the right requirements so it can attain its maximum value.
Clarity—or the preferred lack of it
Clarity increases the value of most gemstones. The fewer inclusions one can see with the naked eye, the higher its price tag. Yet when asking your jeweler, “What is the value of labradorite?” the answer surprisingly favors inclusions in the stone.
Because of the interesting play of lights and colors, the labradorite may benefit more from unique inclusions. Impurities can affect light diffraction and reflection, so clear gems can definitely look less premium. A lot of impurities can enhance the play of colors and create more interesting patterns of light on the stone.
In relation to the interplay of light, labradorites also benefit from a more translucent look. While moonstones may benefit from a milky look, given their appearance and balance with its adularescence, this may not be completely applicable to the labradorite.
This gemstone banks on labradorescence, or the sheen that appears to make the stone glow from within. Appraisers will recommend getting a labradorite that features strong labradorescence, However, you should also prefer for a higher value. Even though labradorescence is unique to this gem, not all labradorites tend to have them. Those that do appear to have an ethereal sheen. This makes the stone seem to sparkle in some angles and glow in others.
Because labradorescence takes advantage of the colors of the stone, you may want to steer clear of transparent labradorites. The fewer colors and impurities embedded in the stone, the less its likelihood of displaying labradorescence.
Preferred cut
Jewelry appraisers also look at the labradorite’s iridescence. This quality refers to the labradorite properties involving color changes. Labradorites that display high iridescence appear to change color depending on the angle from which one views the stone.
While most labradorites feature an array of beautiful colors, skilled cutters can maximize the stone’s iridescence. Most cutters need to evaluate the stone so that they can carefully cut it at the angle that will showcase the most colors.
Expect to see more cabochon labradorites in the market. They share the same look as the moonstone, though they may differ in color and shimmer.

If you happen to have more transparent labradorite, there’s still hope to transform it into good jewelry. Cutters will likely use angled faceting rather than a smooth cabochon treatment on the stone. In doing so, this will create a more textured center-stone to add to its appearance.
Weight in carat
Unlike more precious gems, the labradorite’s value does not change with the size of the stone. Its carat weight does not determine the price because of the abundance of the mineral, as well as its general affordability.
Some jewelry owners may prefer to wear the labradorite more as a fashion jewelry rather than fine jewelry. The labradorite’s unique look pairs well with more intricate beadwork, so many owners of this stone can create fashion accessories for everyday wear.
If you are concerned with the value-per-weight ratio, jewelers tend to focus on the height and width of the stone once polished. However, this does not significantly affect the price tag of the gem. Even smaller labradorite pieces can have great quality because of good labradorescence, unique inclusions, and perfect translucence, among others.
Wear One For Luck And More: Benefits Of A Labradorite
Apart from the beauty of the stone, labradorite benefits jewelry enthusiasts on the metaphysical component. Its connection to many chakras tends to make interested jewelry collectors ask “What is the healing properties of labradorite?”
Embrace change in your lifestyle by starting with this simple but beautiful change. Adding the labradorite to your collection just might let you reap these benefits.
The spiritual connection: A link to three chakras
The labradorite has often been linked to three chakras, namely the third eye, the crown, and the throat. This opens a labradorite owner to the possibility of opening their power and connecting them to a higher self through awareness.
This makes the labradorite a favorite for those who are on a journey of spiritual awareness. As a dreamer’s stone, it enhances the ability to connect the dream and real-world, allowing its owner to seamlessly move through both worlds and gather energy from each state.

Does the labradorite facilitate transformation?
If one of your goals for the year is to go through and sustain certain changes in your lifestyle, then use the labradorite as a source of strength. Labradorite creates a protective aura of consciousness that is still connected to the spiritual states.
The labradorite strengthens your intuition and follows you through despite insecurities. In case you have been struggling to effect change this year, try incorporating labradorite either in your everyday wardrobe or within your space’s interiors.
Is labradorite a healing stone?
For those with ailments and certain health concerns, the labradorite can offer relief from stress and anxiety. People with quick tempers may also want to hold onto the labradorite stone during trying times, as it can lessen the reckless and agitated tendencies.
Not only can the labradorite assist with physical ailments, but it can also positively influence your well-being. Labradorite tends to calm the mind while inspiring your imagination and awareness. This tends to calm the chaos, allowing for better channeling of positive energy from within.
Is labradorite a lucky stone?
Feeling down on luck lately? A labradorite stone may serve as a lightning rod to rechannel some good energies your way. One way to interpret its moniker, the dreamer’s stone, is to see it as a stone that creates chances for dreams to come true.
Consider the labradorite as a stone that guards against misfortune but rolls out the welcome mat for success and opportunities. Since it makes you more aware and sensitive to your own intuition, think of the labradorite as a stone that creates opportunities that you yourself would have to pursue to make them come true.
Does it create a fertile ground for synchronicity?
In a fast-paced and busy world like ours, it becomes hard to create those pockets of magic moments. Magic seems to be locked to these esoteric stones, and some may not even feel that the imbibed energies will be truly useful to them.
However, if you are in touch with your intuition and believe in potential psychic labradorite benefits, then this stone may bring the change you have been waiting for. Apart from ushering in luck to its owner’s life, the labradorite also enhances one’s psychic connection. Looking at the stone alone appears to hint at its otherwordly energies, especially when the play of light becomes intense and vivid.
Jewelry experts agree that stones like the labradorite can influence the energies that allow for better synchronicity. While we may not be in charge of when those magic moments happen, the next best thing may be to have a gemstone that attracts those energies to us.
Does this stone open communication lines?
With its connection to the throat chakra, the labradorite also has an influence on one’s connection lines. By enhancing intuition and opening one’s communication processes, the labradorite may help develop better connections between people.
According to New Moon Beginnings, some physiotherapists even make use of the labradorite to enhance sensitivity. When you are working with your hands, it’s best to clear any energies that may impede better reading done with touch than with sight alone.
When And How To Wear This Magical Stone
Maximizing the labradorite’s beauty is such an easy feat. Because of its naturally beautiful physical properties, it’s easy to incorporate it into one’s everyday wear. If you want to be surrounded by its transformative aura without injecting the stone into every nook and cranny of your physical space, make sure to try wearing it in these ways.
If you plan to wear it as jewelry, try to incorporate it in a piece that does not involve a lot of wear and tear. Its hardness is on the relatively less durable side, so it’s best to make labradorite jewelry that will not always be exposed to wear and tear.

Consult with your trusted jeweler and see if they can create classy fashion jewelry pieces. Labradorite stones make for good drop earrings, like the one in this Sundance Catalog review. The intricate patterns of the stone will surely match the intricate setting.
Another way to wear a labradorite jewelry piece would be necklaces. Go for the classic single pendant necklace like the one in this Tiffany & Co. review. Or you can mix labradorite with other complementary stones and create chunky fashion jewelry necklaces for a more casual vibe.
We hope that this read has left you with a more profound knowledge of labradorite. Hopefully, you are now better informed when looking for such a piece. Now, if you want to know more about moonstones, read our article, “Harnessing The Magic Of The Moon: All About The Moonstone.”