Some might say that happy ever after starts the moment you say “yes” to your partner. And more than the wedding band, the engagement ring symbolizes the challenges and wins that you will face as a couple before embarking on the new journey of married life.
What Not To Do With Engagement Rings
If you treat your engagement ring as a symbol of love, chances are you will want to keep it on you at all times. It’s good to remember that even the most durable metal needs to rest and breathe. There are a few key points to remember on what not to do with your engagement ring. And if you want to make this special ring, much like your wedding band, last, then follow these key steps to ensure it remains sparkling.
After the Wedding: Where Does The Engagement Ring Go?
Some women subscribe to the practice of wearing an engagement ring even after the wedding. Some even fashion their wedding band designs or choose a metal that is similar, so they can wear them as a pair ensemble.
Much like any piece of jewelry, an engagement ring is vulnerable to wear-and-tear. This is the last thing you want to happen to your special bling. Some activities and habits tend to accelerate tarnishing, dirtying, or worse, potentially losing your ring. Here are some of the activities to avoid when asking, “When should you not wear your engagement ring?”
Oftentimes, people only swim in two main areas: the ocean and the pool. In both cases, your ring faces contact with different corrosive solutions. Saltwater can be corrosive to certain metals, including gold and nickel, which can ruin a good engagement ring.
Chlorine can damage and cause discoloration to your ring’s setting. Rather than risk discoloring your treasured fine jewelry, keep it safely in a box and wear it after your dip.

Working out
Sweat may not necessarily tarnish more precious metals like platinum and gold, but it can contribute to unnecessary buildup. You may end up having to clean and polish your ring after a good workout.
Wondering how to keep your engagement ring from scratichng? If you’re doing a more intense workout, it’s best to skip wearing your engagement ring completely. You may hit it on a gym equipment or even scratch yourself on a bezel while doing Zumba.
Going out on a travel
Traveling to another city or another country isn’t always a leisurely experience. Some travel for the thrill of fun and fast activities. If this is you, wearing your engagement ring while traveling and doing intense activities is a big “what not to do with your engagement ring.”
If you already have a wedding band, especially one that skips the frills, this may be a better jewelry piece than an engagement ring when traveling. But for activities like skydiving, snorkeling, or scuba diving, among others, avoid wearing jewelry altogether. The last thing you want is your ring falling off on that big jump—you’ll never be able to get it back.
Washing dishes or taking a bath—anything with water!
Your engagement ring may need consistent care and cleaning, but that does not mean it should frequently be in contact with water. You also risk further damage not just to your ring but to your precious china. Scrubbing dishes and nasty pots and pans with force is a breeding ground for accidents for your ring. If you think you’ll forget to take it off or risk losing it on the kitchen counter, always use a pair of rubber gloves for this chore.
Cooking and cleaning
Both of these also involve water, which will add to the wear-and-tear of your ring. More importantly, these are two main activities when to take off engagement ring. You will handle food while cooking, and the last thing you want is for smaller stones to come loose while you’re kneading that dough.
Whenever you’re cleaning, especially in the bathroom, you may handle harsh chemicals. While these tend to wash off, jewelry can tarnish and be affected by these harsh solutions. It’s best to keep your engagement ring safe and dry in your jewelry box before you get down to the business of doing errands around the house.

Putting on lotion or hand creams
For some women, this is a habit they do before they go out of the house. Just like sweat, lotions can bring oil buildup before you even step out of the house. Whenever possible, put on lotion before putting on your ring. And at the end of the day, don’t forget to wipe your ring down with a wet cloth or soapy water to get rid of the oil buildup.
Doing outdoor errands on a commute
Some women take the risk depending on where they are going. Fine jewelry, especially those gleaming with authentic diamonds, are still prone to stealing. In today’s hard times, it’s always going to be a risk wearing a diamond in a place where stealing and swiping occur.
Think of it as taking precautions to ensure that you don’t lose your ring to a thief. When you go on errands, you will probably deal with many people and many activities. Leave the engagement ring at home, especially if it’s too attractive to the eyes of potential thieves.
5 Burning Questions About Engagement Rings
For some brides, engagement rings do not expire the moment they have a wedding ring. If anything, it becomes a complementary accessory, a reminder of a sweet moment in one’s life.
This is where questions on wearing an engagement ring every day or the proper ways to clean it arise. There’s always that drive to keep an engagement ring sparkly and new-looking even after years of wear-and-tear.
Should you wear your engagement ring all the time, here are a few general guidelines to care for your ring. These are some burning questions when it comes to prolonging your engagement ring’s sparkle.
1. Is it OK to sleep with engagement ring on?
You may ask ” Do you stop wearing your engagement ring?” It’s not uncommon for brides and even long-married gals to still be smitten with their engagement ring. It’s the constant reminder of when the question was popped, and therefore may carry some romantic stories from those glorious days. This is why some women still wear their engagement rings alongside their wedding bands.
As much as it’s a sweet reminder, there’s also a time and place to enjoy wearing it. When it comes to sleeping, the best tip from jewelry experts is to avoid wearing it to sleep. Engagement rings come in different shapes and sizes. The more intricate the ring, the more likely they can snag or even lose a stone. And tossing and turning in one’s sleep is the best way that this can happen. Many people practice taking rings off while sleeping, meaning its a common method of ring care.

How long do engagement rings last? Some engagements rings are built to last. Platinum and titanium wedding rings tend to last and never tarnish, but this doesn’t mean they can be durable enough for round-the-clock wear.
When you’re sleeping, your ring may be prone to snagging on fabric or being banged on a dresser or your headboard. If your ring’s style is pavé or solitaire, there’s even the possibility of scratching yourself or your partner. More than an unsightly scratch on yourself, it’s highly possible to lose a small stone in the process.
More importantly, sleeping with an engagement ring on may make it difficult to remove the morning after when taking a bath. Lying down can cause swelling in the body, which can affect how snugly your ring will fit your finger the next morning.
2. What do you do with an unused engagement ring?
So, do you stop wearing your engagement ring? Sometimes, wedding rings are just more comfortable to wear. Other times, some women don’t see the point of wearing both at the same time. If you fall in the latter, chances are your engagement ring will be rarely used or unused as time passes. And there’s also that thing called engagement ring envy, which could lead one to lose interest in wearing an engagement ring.
So, where to put your engagement ring? If you are sentimental about the ring, it’s best to store it in your jewelry box. Take care to clean it every so often, because even when stored, dust can still settle and affect the ring’s shine. Even when you don’t wear it, always have it maintained by your trusted jeweler at least twice a year. This will take care of any loose stones or possible resizing that you will need.
3. Is it bad luck to wear a used engagement ring?
When it comes to affordable options, secondhand engagement rings are a good place to start. Not only is it one of the ethical and affordable routes to buying diamonds, but antique jewelry also has a different pattern that will set your engagement ring apart even more.
There’s no such thing as bad luck in wearing an old engagement ring. It’s possible that the old owners had to pawn it because they preferred to keep the wedding band, or simply, the bride may have preferred a new style for the engagement ring. If anything, you can treat a used engagement ring as your “something old” and just have fun with it.
4. Can you clean your engagement ring too much?
When it comes to cleaning your jewelry, it depends mostly on the frequency of use and the kind of activity you do when you wear them. Sweat can lead to buildup in your jewelry, and it can affect the sparkle of precious stones. The more often you use the ring, carefully wiping them down or washing with soapy water at the end of the day never hurts.
That said, avoid using harsh chemicals to clean the ring. Stay away from cleaning solutions with chlorine or bleach. Don’t forget to schedule a regular session with your jeweler, so they can check on the settings. You would want to avoid loose stones as they can easily fall off and get lost.
5. Can I wash my hands with my engagement ring on?
This is perfectly okay! Soap and water cleans out engagement rings. It would be better to leave it on—but make sure that you’re also careful so that the ring will not slip off and drop when you wash your hands. This is better than taking it off and leaving it by the sink. It can either fall off by accident or worse, you may forget to put it back on when you rush out.

Tips on How to Make Your Engagement Ring Last
Engagement rings will still be an important piece of jewelry even when you’re married. Let’s not forget that some engagement rings can be very stylish, which you can wear even on a daily basis with any outfit. However, there are dos and don’ts of engagement rings. Whether you make it a permanent part of your everyday outfit or you occasionally wear it for an important event, it’s good to keep these tips in mind to make that sparkle last.
Never take it off in public
One surefire tip on how to not lose engagement ring is to never take it off in public. It’s tempting to take it off when we wash our hands or when we need to handle certain items that we feel will make our hands—and our rings—dirty. This is the easiest way to lose a ring.
If you need to take it off, remember to put it in your bag pocket. As much as possible, make sure that it’s a zipped-up pocket to avoid further accidents.

Avoid touching the stone
When you have a sizable stone, it might be so tempting to touch it. Avoid this at all costs. Even your fingertips can have dust and oil that can build up on the ring. Even when you do touch the stone, make sure to wipe it down with a soft cloth to minimize and remove buildup.
Be discerning on where you wear it
As tempting as it is to flaunt that bling, make sure that you wear it on the right occasion. And this means occasions and events where you will not have to do a lot of manual, hands-on work. If you know that you will have a field day on duty where you will be handling a lot of items, leave the ring in your jewelry box for the day. Don’t expose it to unnecessary friction, especially if the metal is sensitive, like rose gold.
If you want to learn more tips on how to care for your engagement ring read “Ring Care 101: A Guide to Caring For Your Engagement Ring.”