What Are Ethically Sourced Diamonds & Where to Buy Them

Whether it is because of human nature or the culture we live, it can be hard to resist the sparkle of a diamond. We grew up thinking that jewelry, especially diamonds, are signs of social status and perfect to mark milestones and special events in our lives. However, even as getting jewelry can be accomplished in minutes, making sure that you get ethically-sourced diamonds is another question.

Why should you think about this? Imagine: How would you feel if you find out that the diamonds you wear come from shady sources and are the end products of abusive practices?

Don’t stress yourself with feeling guilty. After reading this piece, you will come out smarter and more prepared in making decisions on the kind of jewelry that you buy.

What Is An Ethically Sourced Diamond?

A natural diamond, born from extreme heat and pressure, is nature’s champion. But what is an ethically sourced diamond?

Despite their beautiful looks that entice the eye, diamonds have a rough start, hiding under the earth waiting for someone to set them free. To help them end up in our possession as rings, necklaces, and other accessories, they have to be mined. However, mining comes with its problems, most especially if it is done by hand.

What’s wrong with mining by hand? This old practice is unregulated and hard to monitor. Usually, it also involves miners being exposed to possible work accidents, spending time in dirty water, working without the proper mining equipment, not having insurance, and not receiving the correct wages. Aside from these inhumane actions, mining also has numerous environmental impacts, especially with the use of non-renewable resources.

The good thing is that there are now ways to extract diamonds more ethically. When a company declares its brand to have ethically sourced diamonds, this means that they process them ethically and practice fair trade. These diamonds should also not be taken from conflict-filled areas.

Where to Buy Ethically Sourced Diamonds

Companies that provide ethically sourced diamonds take the extra mile to study, research, and confirm that their diamonds were processed the right way.

Now that you are ready to make your purchase, it is time to check out companies that offer ethically sourced jewelry to their clients. These brands are highly-recommended within the jewelry industry, and that’s an excellent place to start if you want a socially responsible jewelry source.

Brilliant Earth 

Hailing from San Francisco, California, Brilliant Earth is a jeweler that commits to socially responsible sourcing. It focuses on providing lab-grown diamonds, ethical diamonds, and other pieces of jewelry. This venture began when one of the owners was looking for an ethical engagement ring and failed. This problem brought the idea to establish their own company; thus, Brilliant Earth was born.

This brand also allows buyers to purchase synthetic diamonds from their lab. If you want the natural route, the company acquires its supply from Botswana, Namibia, and Canada. Aside from these, Brilliant Earth gives back. It shares a portion of its sales to the Rainforest Alliance and a school in DRC.

James Allen

If you have been checking out diamonds for a while, you have probably seen a few James Allen pieces. This brand, which started in 1998, is known worldwide as the top diamond jeweler online, and has revolutionized the diamond industry from what it formerly was.

In terms of ethical sales and operations, James Allen provides its customers with a guarantee that what they sell is within the standards set by the Patriot Act, the Kimberley Process, and the United Nations. 

Aside from this, James Allen is the exclusive distributor of CanadaMark certified diamonds. These are gems taken from Canada’s mines, which are famous for their environment-friendly and socially responsible operations.

Fair Trade Jewellery Co.

Next on our list is Fair Trade Jewellery Co., a company based in Canada that offers different ethically sourced gems and minerals, not just diamonds. If you want proof, they give free access to the audit report they have done to ensure that they are ethically doing everything.

Aside from ethical yet natural sources, the jeweler also offers its Swarovksi lab-created diamonds with the same composition as diamonds mined from Canada. These are all guaranteed with the certification they received from the International Gemological Institute (IGI).

In addition, they are a part of the Responsible Jewellery Council, American Gem Society, Fairmined, and Fairtrade Gold.


Created by Trent Anderson in Australia in 2005, Equalli is a brand that is very proud to provide ethically sourced jewelry to the entire LGBT+ community, wherever they may be all over the world.

The brand offers artisan jewelry with gems extracted legally and fairly by hiring locals around the globe. Aside from paying them properly, the company is proud to share that it organizes community projects to ensure they give back to the local communities.

Blue Nile

Founded in 1999 by Mark Vadon, Blue Nile is the top resource for the most affordable diamonds in the market. This startup has evolved into one of the go-to marketplaces for jewelry online. It offers countless jewels and stones from many manufacturers. 

In terms of serving people ethically, Blue Nile follows a conflict-free policy for its diamond sales. They state their commitment to interact only with companies that follow standards set by the Kimberley Process. It is also very vocal in its decision to stop its business in Zimbabwe because of the ongoing conflict in the country.

Trumpet & Horn

Trumpet & Horn is a brand that offers recycled diamonds and metals, making it the perfect choice for people who want to lessen their carbon footprint. With its vintage designs that give a nostalgic feel, Trumpet & Horn jewelry feel like little treasures that you have inherited that can be passed on to the next generation.

The best part about this brand is its commitment to working according to the standards set by the American Gem Trade Association and the Kimberley Process. The stones that it uses bring no additional harm to the environment and have been in existence even before conflicts took place.


A brand with a beautiful story, MiaDonna, is a company established by a mother from Portland, Oregon, who wanted to make the world a better place for children. The company is a foundation first, which means it shares 10% of its profits to communities affected by diamond mining, especially children. The company also plants one tree for every item sold, seeking to offset the carbon emissions resulting from product movement.

For its jewelry, MiaDonna exclusively offers lab-grown diamonds and gemstones. Its goal is to make sustainable jewelry without leaving any form of detrimental impact on the economy, society, and the environment.

How Do You Know If A Diamond Is Ethically Sourced?

Now that ethically sourced diamonds are defined, is there a way for simple consumers to check whether these claims are authentic or just stories? How can we prove that companies are doing their part to protect their miners?

The Kimberley Process Certification is an attempt to eliminate the illegal trading of diamonds all over the world. ║Source: kimberleyprocess.com

One of the ways to prove this is through the Kimberley Process Certification. Created in 2003, the Kimberley Process seeks to unite 81 countries, all members of the diamond industry, to protect the trade and eradicate the illegal trade of blood diamonds. The main goal of this project is to add security to diamond shipments. As proof, those who meet the requirements receive certificates.

However, some groups doubt these claims. Issues arose following reports involving fake Kimberley Process certificates. Because of this, it would be best to exercise extra care to ensure that the diamond jewelry that you buy passes ethical requirements.

Here are some ways to do so:

Do research before you make any purchase

The easiest way, to know if you are planning to be more socially conscious about your investments, is to talk to your jeweler. Unfortunately, not all of them will be willing to sit down and discuss the origins of their diamonds thoroughly. The best option is still to research on your own. Try to read through lists of ethically practicing companies. Go beyond their websites and browse published articles by industry experts.

To be a socially responsible consumer, you must educate yourself and research the product you’re buying.

Know where your target diamond originated

It is very crucial to know where a diamond comes from before you buy it. It’s one of the first things to ask the jeweler you are transacting with, and it should be something that they will willingly give you. If they avoid answering this question, that’s a red flag, and you should back out from the purchase. As a guide, you should stay away from buying diamonds taken from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, and Zimbabwe. On the other hand, the top options for ethically sourced diamonds are Botswana, Canada, Namibia, and Sierra Leone.

Ask for a copy of diamond certifications

Perhaps because of competition and in an effort to get ahead, many jewelers tend to exaggerate on the credentials of their products. Because of this, you should find sure ways to validate the claims. By asking for a certificate, like one from GIA, you get a look at the specific origins and processes that a diamond went through.

Consider buying lab-grown diamonds

If you are genuinely after going for more socially responsible and sustainable diamonds, your best bet is to try out lab diamonds. They appear similarly as natural diamonds, and they have the same composition as well. The only difference is that they come from a laboratory instead of under the earth’s surface. Are lab diamonds more ethical compared to natural ones? Yes. Here are five reasons why:

      • Lab-grown diamonds are genuinely free from conflict.
      • They eliminate child labor because they only work with scientists.
      • Lab-grown diamonds eliminate exploited and underpaid workers.
      • They are more sustainable because they do not require massive amounts of natural resources.

Consider buying recycled diamonds

Also known in the industry as antique or reclaimed gems, a recycled diamond is a natural diamond. Some of them are pieces from old jewelry that are cut and repurposed with new designs. Because of this, you limit the environmental impact, which in a way is perfect for socially responsible buying.

Are Ethically Sourced Diamonds More Expensive?

When buying diamonds, it’s common knowledge you’ll be shelling out some cash. But do you have to spend more to get an ethical one?

When you consider the benefits that you can get from an ethically processed diamond, it’s possible to get the impression that it might be more expensive compared to other gems in the market. But this is not the case in reality. If you look through most of the ethical jewelers in the industry, you will see that they are not in the range of the most expensive diamond choices that you can buy. The key here is to partner with a reputable brand that offers a fair price while being backed up with the proper certification that proves the origins of the products they sell.

Ethically sourced diamonds are right for you

In times like this, when the world is screaming for help, and there’s so much injustice around, being a smart consumer should not be something uncommon. Applying the same mindset in purchasing rings, bracelets, and other jewelry is what everyone should do. Being educated in matters like these and spreading more awareness can help eliminate the trade of conflict diamonds and promote sustainable alternatives.

Unsure where to start? Limit your options to this list of eco-friendly and conflict-free brands to ease your worries about making smart purchasing decisions. In this way, you can mark your life milestone or special event without worrying about your gem having shady origins.