Dinosaur Bone Rings: Facts, Properties, and Distinctive Features

The “Land Before Time” is such a nostalgic time and place, something that piques the fascination of modern man. When it comes to fashion, we constantly seek something unique, in a way that reveals our personal preferences, attachments, and beliefs. Sure, you might have heard about meteorite jewelry, African beads, or Greek jewelry pieces; but have you ever seen dinosaur bone rings? 

Dinosaur Bone Rings: Facts, Properties, and Distinctive Features

Have you ever been curious about fossil jewelry? What is it, and where does it come from? Is it valuable, and if so, what features and properties make it a worthy investment? Bring back good dinosaur memories through luxury, and discover why these fossils are considered unique and beautiful in their own right. 

What is Dinosaur Bone Jewelry?

Dinosaur bones and skulls are used for Jurassic jewelry-making.

Ever heard of the terms “gembone,” “dino bones,” or “Jurassic jewelry?” Perhaps you might be thinking of some “wild” animal bones or gems made from bones. Well, you guessed it right. All the terms above are alternative names for dinosaur bone used in jewelry pieces such as rings, wedding bands, and bracelets. 

Dinosaurs are wild creatures who roamed the Earth around 150 million years ago. Jurassic deposits consisted of limestones, sandstones, mudstones, and siltstones. And just like what you see in Jurassic movies, dinosaurs are really gigantic, and so are their skulls and bones. Hence, dinosaur fossils do not look very attractive in their raw state, but like diamonds, they can be unique and beautiful once cut and polished.

Where to find dinosaur bones

A gembone is truly a rare and distinct jewelry material, let alone when used in crafting pieces that are given as wedding or commitment rings. Antiques and fossil remains may be hard to find and overly expensive, but dinosaur bone jewelry is a lot easier to gather and quite enjoyable to craft. Plus, they are not overly priced—you can totally afford them for a fancy design.

One way of finding dinosaur fossils is through the Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) survival game (yes, really!). Where can I find dinosaur bones in RDR2? There are 30 dinosaur bone locations scattered throughout the RDR2 world. Tracking down a Stranger is the first step in the game. Then, a woman on Southeast of Horseshoe Overlook will guide you on your search. 

You will be facing cliffs, boundaries, rock walls, forests, rivers, etc. during your journey. Some are easy navigation, while others can be pretty tough, especially in the last location. You will get rewards after completing the quest, and you can claim these by sending your findings to the nearest Post Office in your area. 

If you are a jeweler/gamer yourself, you can initiate a search for dinosaur bones yourself, which is a fascinating and challenging trip in itself. But if not, can you buy dinosaur fossils?

Buying dinosaur bones for jewelry

Dinosaur bones that are scattered around the world or in RDR2 may not always be gem-quality. There are bones that are agatized and mixed with special minerals, and these are the rarer ones. These dinosaur bone patterns can only be found in the United States, somewhere near the Colorado Plateau. Gem-like dinosaur bones are solidified with crystals, which give them a glassy and colorful appearance. 

If gembone-searching seems like a daunting task, you can always reach out to museums and buy dinosaur bones there. There are no restrictions on acquiring and distributing fossils; you can legally own and use them. The National Dinosaur Museum in Australia has the most extensive collection of dinosaur bones. Other best dinosaur museums include Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, the Field Museum in Chicago, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science in Brussels, and many more. 

Fossils, in general, approximately cost $2.36 million dollars. Dinosaur bones are sold at quite a higher price, amounting to  412.5 million dollars. They might be a million-dollar-investment, but the returns, especially on the jewelry business, is lucrative. Recent economic statistics show that the majority of jewelers have estimated annual revenue of $4.5 million from dinosaur bone jewelry alone.   

The Aesthetics of Dinosaur Bone Rings

Dinosaur bone rings in a variety of colors and metals. ║Source: Mark Hileman Jewelry

What do dinosaur bone jewelry look like? Appearances may vary depending on the minerals mixed with the gembone. But it’s expected to have earthly colors due to its nature. The typical color of a gembone is reddish-brown, but it also reflects blue, orange, green, and purple hues. Its beautiful and colorful patterns and textures make it truly unique and historical. 

Dinosaur bones are usually used as inlays on metallic rings rather than creating it as an entire piece. This is because of its fossilized nature, which makes it brittle. Dinosaur bone produces a smooth and lustrous effect when polished. Apart from wedding bands, you can also use dinosaur bone rings as a match to your Boho outfit. This jewelry type is perfect for adventurous individuals who love unique and earthly collections. Sure, platinum and gold are classy, but gembones have a more modern and artistic touch.  

Dinosaur Bone Rings Collection

Wedding rings can look more fashionable with dinosaur bone inlays.

Dinosaur bone inlays in wedding rings is a truly unique and fantastic feature in any jewelry piece. There are a variety of metals to choose from to make that gembone design stand out. You can pick from titanium, black zirconium, cobalt, ceramic, or tungsten. Wedding rings can also be inlaid with meteorites for a more distinct look. 

Among the metals that can be matched with dinosaur bone design, black zirconium is usually the men’s favorite. What is black zirconium? Black zirconium is a unique and lightweight type of metal that is typically hypoallergenic and durable as titanium. Because of its desirable features, this metal makes an excellent choice for wedding rings. 

Men and Women’s Gembone Collection

There are plenty of dinosaur bone ring designers and shops on the market. And one of their most famous pieces is a T-rex bone ring. The durability of a material is often compared to a Tyrannosaurus Rex or T-Rex, which is considered the king of dinosaurs king during its time. It’s known to have long and robust thighs; hence, T-rex bone jewelry is expected to be more durable compared to other pieces made from other dinosaur fossils. 

Women’s dinosaur bone ring is usually thinner and more fashionable. It is incorporated with playful and colorful accents, as well as minimal and elegant styles. Its price ranges from $400 to $1,200. The ones paired with gold metals are usually the expensive type, while cheaper dinosaur bone ring women’s collections are made from tungsten and ceramic. 

On the other hand, men’s dinosaur bone rings tend to be thicker and darker in color. They are usually paired with sterling silver, titanium, and ceramic metals. Men’s dino bone rings are much more expensive than women’s rings, ranging from $500 to $2,000. What makes men’s dinosaur bone ring collection more classy is the combination of gembone and meteorite inlays, which is seen to increase the masculinity of the wearer. 

Fossil and meteorite jewelry rings are also available in unisexual designs. These are gembones intended for fashion, everyday jewelry, travel, and fancy events. Dinosaur bone and meteorite ring UK prices start at £400.

Authentication and Preservation

Like any other jewelry owner, you might be conscious if you are investing in a dinosaur bone ring real collection. After all, Jurassic jewellery is quite an expensive investment, and no one wants to be scammed. Most gembone retailers provide a Certificate of Authenticity upon purchase, and this is the simplest way to know if you’re dealing with a reputable source. 

Gembones might look tough, but they are also fragile, like other jewelry pieces. This is because they are made from fossils, and fossils are brittle rocks. Dinosaur bone jewelry is prone to scratches and breakage when bumped or pushed on hard surfaces. You also need to avoid exposing your dinosaur bone ring to acidic and chemical substances like chlorine, hairspray, and cosmetics, as doing so might depreciate the quality of your jewelry.

When cleaning, do not rub your ring with alcohol. It might tarnish the metallic property of your jewelry. Warm water mixed with mild soap will do. After all, you just need to keep it shining and prevent grime from building up. But don’t wash it more often. You can schedule a monthly or quarterly cleaning for your gembone possession. 

Dinosaur Bone Jewelry Benefits

Like any jewelry piece, gembones also provide benefits to the wearer. It can offer emotional, physical, spiritual, and metaphysical advantages. Learn more about the amazing properties of dino jewelry below:

Metaphysical properties

Dinosaur bone is believed to enhance communication skills, survival instincts, and increase energy. It is especially helpful when dealing with depression, stress, and anxiety. It can also improve one’s ability in decision-making and creating boundaries and is a great aid in self-recovery from past hurts. Dinosaur bone jewelry is highly recommended for individuals who are less active and unmotivated in life. 

Healing properties

Physically, gembone is used as a therapy for paralysis, vigor, fractured bones, and can help in body temperature regulation. It can help ease fatigue and is extremely useful for people who are stressed and exhausted from work. With its crystal properties, dinosaur bone acts as an effective detoxification agent and improves your overall energy, keeping you active throughout the day. 

Gembone is also known to be an emotional healer. Because of its ability to overcome stress, it can drive away gloominess and toxic thoughts and replace it with calmness. It also plays as a deep soul cleanser, clearing your mind of negative thoughts and constant overthinking. With this function, this jewelry piece is expected to offer positive vibes and emotions to the wearer. 

Lastly, dino bones aid the wearer spiritually. It promotes moral excellence and helps you reflect on past experiences and worldly truths. It also raises awareness, heightens perceptive visions, and makes you realize that light and dark certainly exist. Gembone helps you connect with your soul, and another’s soul, looking through its windows in a deeper perspective. 

While dinosaur bones are believed to carry metaphysical and healing properties, they should not be treated as a replacement for medical care. The benefits mentioned above may be experienced firsthand by a wearer, but they still don’t bear any scientific evidence. 

Interesting Dinosaur Bone Facts

Source: Paleontology World
  • More valuable gembone pieces are those that have smarter and more intense colors. This makes the pieces stand out, producing different hues. 
  • Most dinosaur fossils are found in Utah and Colorado, specifically in rivers and floodplains. 
  • According to geologic progression, gembone will be prone to deformation and fracturing in the coming years. 
  • The most valuable piece of dino jewelry-making comes from dinosaur fossils with bright and more giant cells.
  • Rare cell patterns are found in the dinosaur vertebra, which is comparable to a fanned peacock pattern. This feature makes the Jurassic legend a truly precious creature. 

Are dinosaur bone rings right for you?

Fossil jewellery is indeed a significant remnant from the past. It brings back good dinosaur memories and somehow connects us to a majestic era. If you want to develop a unique fashion statement, you may start with Jurassic jewellery. They are distinctive, beautiful, and perfect for earth lovers and adventurous individuals. 

Dino bone jewelry is also an excellent investment, not to mention possessing metaphysical and healing properties. Sure, sterling silver, platinum, and classic gold are elegant, but fossil jewelry would totally make an incredible fashion twist.

Want to start building your collection? You might want to start by reading our guide “How to Buy Gemstones and Jewelry Online.”